Why Serving Your Community Can Grow Your Business
~ 645 words / 3.5 minute read Engaging in community service builds a positive reputation, encourages staff retention and loyalty, and amplifies core values. Serving your community may help you hire and retain employees who are a better culture fit—younger generations of jobseekers want to find fulfillment in their work. When picking partners for community engagement, choose those that align with your company’s core values and areas of expertise. Businesses should be creative in their approach and enjoy
Kate Miller
Email Marketing Trends to Grow Your Business
681 Words ~ 3 minute read Email marketing remains a crucial tool for businesses due to its direct reach to subscribers, bypassing algorithms of social platforms. Businesses should focus on nurturing relationships through emails by providing value-added content, including insider tips, trending news, and solutions to customer problems. Pairing email marketing with regular website content updates can increase traffic significantly.
Kate Miller