Non-Profit Organizations
By appointment only - please email our programming team at programming@madisonreadingproject.com.
About Us
Madison Reading Project's mission is to deliver, at no charge, high quality culturally and linguistically diverse literacy enrichment programs and brand-new books to underserved children throughout greater Dane County -- in an ongoing commitment to reversing low literacy rates, closing opportunity gaps, building family libraries, and inspiring literacy delight!
Our programs engage children in differentiated literacy activities designed to create a love of learning and building and reinforcing age-appropriate skills needed to develop the young reader. Our staff and volunteers bring storytime, enrichment activities, story discussions and free books to kids/parents/care givers at family shelters, neighborhood centers, libraries, after-school childcare programs, social services organizations and schools
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have adjusted our program delivery methods to address the safety of our staff and our community. We have temporarily suspended our literacy programs and volunteer activities. However, we have continued to provide books to local organizations that are distributing food and supplies and counseling to families.