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About Us
The Middleton Times-Tribune is a weekly print and online newspaper that is mailed to subscribers. The West Side Shopper is an advertisement paper that is mailed to Middleton businesses and residents. We promote the community through editorial content covering: non-profits, sports, recreation, events, and business, news.
The Middleton Times-Tribune was started in 1893 and was then purchased by the current owners in 1966. We are owned by News Publishing Inc., in Black Earth.
News Publishing prints several papers throughout the area, including:
News-Sickle-Arrow, Satellite Shopper,
Mount Horeb Mail, Town & Country Shopper, Post Messenger Recorder, Sugar River Connection, Sauk Prairie Star, Satellite Shopper.
Advertiser can purchase ad space in all of our publications with one point of contact.
Middleton is a #1 city and the Middleton Times-Tribune enjoys covering all that this winning community has to offer.