About Us
Prepare Parents LLC provides parents and educators with effective goal-focused and practical child rearing strategies.
Prepare Parents LLC offers speaking events, workshops, and individual family consulting. Keynotes and workshops are available for parent groups and schools who are interested in implementing effective management routines with children at home or in school. Linda Armas creates customized routines for families who want individualized plans.
Ms. Armas created her company, Prepare Parents LLC to enhance family dynamics, and to help parents optimize their child-rearing efforts. She is well-known for creating routines that automatize daily responsibilities in order to give time and attention to thinking, learning, and doing things that are unfamiliar, challenging, or inviting. Linda delights and educates parent and teacher audiences with her personal stories of tried-and-true strategies.
Linda Armas was born into a family of 7 children where preparedness, organization and routines served as everyday survival skills. Linda’s “Control the Chaos” know-how served her well through decades of classroom teaching, facilitating parent-education seminars, and in raising her own 2 sons.
Linda Armas is the author of The Freedom of Routine – Teach Your Children to Pinpoint Priorities, Get Things Done, and Foster Life Skills While Nurturing Family Relationships.

Rep/Contact Info

Linda Armas
Educational Consultant, Speaker, Parent Educator, Author
- Phone: (608) 576-6134
- Send an Email